Keynote address: Sherman Alexie
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Librarians unleashed - single folks should hang out at the Sheraton this weekend; there's a librarian conference in town.
New "Native American" poem: Ode to My Sharona
Museum of tolerance. Isn't that aiming low?
"I tolerate you;" this is like marriage.
If these people know each other, then they'll love each other - at least tolerate each other.
I don't believe in magic, but I do believe in interpreting coincidences the way you want to.
What's the difference between laughter and hate?
We need to read beyond our ethnic identities.
I'm an ironic indigenous immigrant.
Ithaka S+R Publishes New Report on Open Educational Resources (Case Studies)
From an Ithaka S+R Blog Post: In the fall of 2023 we announced the launch
of a new research project, funded by the William and Flora Hewlett
Foundation, de...
1 hour ago