Friday, 10 June 2009
All attendees were asked to introduce themselves and say a bit about why they are here at the meeting. Some of the reasons include:
- wanting information about recruitment, leadership, staffing both to the profession and to library schools
- serve as a voice for the silent and traditionally underrepresented groups
- promote diversity to youth and prospective librarians
- recruitment to specific areas of the profession (music, academic, medical librarianship)
- how to apply diversity to work as a librarian
- how to enhance programming and services for new populations
- outreach efforts to traditionally underrepresented groups
- what are library schools doing to recruit native language speakers
- interest in serving people with disabilities
- Librarians for America's Neighborhoods (Urban Libraries Council). Assessment and evaluation tool that will be useful for others.
- define and discuss cultural competences
- diversity fatigue
- create diverse collections
- glbt diversity issues are not working at cross purposes with other diversity issues
- residency programs interest
- attracting underrepresented groups to particular areas
- recruitment at levels below college; if students don't see value in a BA, they won't see value in an MLS
- incorporate diversity into the curriculum, particularly in an online environment
- we need a national diversity agenda
- accessibility in library systems and websites
- matching library school students to jobs
Diversity in library education
- Change the way we think about what we do
- Roberto Ibarra - Contextual Diversity
- Curriculum education: it is the responsibility of all faculty to discuss diversity, not just the course on diversity or not just the diversity officer
- Theory should inform practice: role theory, general systems theory
- Recruitment: what can LIS do to recruit to the profession. Alumni and currently enrolled students are a good resource; start recruiting at an early age; target student workers and support staff; hold social events for staff to inform and educate
- Be transparent to and inclusive of your students
- Psychic pay: what librarians work for
Time did not permit me to record the rest of the discussion that took place.