Saturday, March 14, 2009

ACRL Conference, day 3 - Library Workforce

Contributed Paper session: Where have all the librarians gone? The academic library workforce of today and tomorrow.
Barbara Moran, UNC Chapel-Hill
Paul Solomon, University of South Carolina

What can workforce studies tell us?
why choose a career
why do you stay or leave
career patterns
what leads to career growth and satisfaction
how long to retire

But, as a whole, we have not tracked our profession. We aren't therefore prepared for the nest generation of librarians. No succession planning.

Workforce Issues in Library and Information Science (WILIS 1) : study of career patterns of NC LIS graduates from 1964 - 2004 (WILIS 2 will help LIS programs track their graduates).

6 LIS programs in the area from a diverse standpoint.
Full survey to over 7500 (35% response rate; 31% of which are now working in academic libraries). Brief summary reports are available on the WILIS website.
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