Thursday, April 23, 2009

News and Humor

This will probably be one of my shortest blog posts, but I had to pose the question, "what is news?" I've asked my friends this question a lot over the years and have received responses too numerous to mention.

After posting a recent story to facebook about Bacon Salt, a friend commented that she, too, saw the story on the ABC Evening News. I replied that I seem not to be able to watch the news without having my laptop close by because there will inevitably be something I want to share with friends and colleagues. But is this news? I have always been curious about how the producers select the stories that will air - either on radio or television. Some items are, in fact, newsworthy (to me) and others are just laughable. I've asked time and time again, who cares about Britney Spears' latest exploit, or I suppose today it would be Lindsey Lohan? Let the tabloid "news shows" cover those stories and have the morning and evening news programs cover other topics.

Of course this is a biased view based on what I want to hear and I will often just tune out (or share the ones I think are funny (funny - ha ha, and funny - peculiar). I just have a difficult time accepting the fact that most of the time the "news" is more entertaining than it is informative.
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