As I watch the news each day and post links to some of these stories here and on Facebook, I am left wondering what is "normal." Is it, in fact, OK for a young girl to get engaged to a man whose last two wives have had untimely deaths or have disappeared? Is it normal to sell your snot - even for charity? Is it normal for us to spend as much time on Facebook as some of us do? Well, thanks DA for alerting me to the fact that the APA is in the process of revising the DSM. Although this new edition won't be out for a few years, by which time there will be other activities to question, we'll be able to look back at our activities from 2008 (recorded here on FB and in other places no doubt) and say with psychological certainty that we are all, perhaps, crazy!
Ithaka S+R Publishes New Report on Open Educational Resources (Case Studies)
From an Ithaka S+R Blog Post: In the fall of 2023 we announced the launch
of a new research project, funded by the William and Flora Hewlett
Foundation, de...
1 hour ago