Obviously, some people aren't embarrassed enough to NOT shop. And if that's the case, why even try to hide the fact that you're spending the money.
Victim's rights people will, once again, be all over Mr. Peterson a year or two from now when this woman goes missing or turns up dead. While I am generally not a "blame the victim" person, has this woman been living in some sort of bubble for the past few years? Mr. Peterson says he deserves happiness - and he does - but his happiness, in my opinion, would be living with himself.
My favorite sentence which, of course, comes as no big surprise:
"Disabilities, the couple says, have left both out of work: Heath Campbell can't landscape or pump gas because he has emphysema, and Deborah can't waitress because she has a bad back. They live on Social Security payments."
Judge Judy would have asked how her bad back didn't prevent her from having 3 kids - one per year! And apparently the only jobs available in that town for men is pumping gas or landscaping. Can't he go work at the supermarket? Maybe he can be the one to write names on the cakes in the bakery section. He might also want to go work at Wal-Mart.
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From an Ithaka S+R Blog Post: In the fall of 2023 we announced the launch
of a new research project, funded by the William and Flora Hewlett
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