Susan DiMattia, chair of the ALA Nominating Committee, reported on the nomination process for the 2009 elections. Over 120 names were initially suggested for councilor-at-large positions. Of these, 57 names will appear on the ballot. In addition, some petition candidates will also be up for election or re-election. In a future post, I will list the names of those I endorse for Council.
There were 45 names initially considered for the ALA President-elect spot. For a host of reasons, some potential candidates declined to run. Kenton Oliver and Roberta Stevens were approved as the candidates for ALA president-elect. There were no petition candidates.
There was a question about why there isn't more outreach to get library school students involved in Council? Although this committee didn't do much outreach, they will suggest that future committees do so. A brief video has been created in which some current councilors highlight the reasons to become active on Council and what the benefits are. The video will soon be available on YouTube and linked from the ALA web page.
Ithaka S+R Publishes New Report on Open Educational Resources (Case Studies)
From an Ithaka S+R Blog Post: In the fall of 2023 we announced the launch
of a new research project, funded by the William and Flora Hewlett
Foundation, de...
1 hour ago