I heard this first on Fox News (why do I continue to watch this), but the story might be of some interest to those on Facebook. Edward Richardson has apparently killed his wife because of a change she made to her Facebook status - she went from being "married" to "single." However, this appears not to be the first such case; Wayne Forrester killed his wife for the same reason some months ago. I am not blaming the victime, but didn't they think, perhapas, of having some sort of conversations with their spouses before making such declarations to the world? Irrespective of the way you feel about the person now, at least have the decency to let them know (before they see it on Facebook) that the relationship is over. This might even be worse than breaking up via text message - at least the text gives some notification.
Ithaka S+R Publishes New Report on Open Educational Resources (Case Studies)
From an Ithaka S+R Blog Post: In the fall of 2023 we announced the launch
of a new research project, funded by the William and Flora Hewlett
Foundation, de...
1 hour ago