As some of you may know, The American Library Association (ALA) charged the Task Force on Electronic Member Participation (TFOEMP) with investigating ways in which ALA members may become more engaged with the association without necessarily having to attend the midwinter meetings and annual conferences.
You may read the full report of the task force on their web page at
There are 16 recommendations in the report. The recommendations were voted on individually at the Council meeting on Tuesday, 27 January 2009 in Denver, CO. Voting went as follows.
Recommendation # 1: approved
Recommendation # 2: approved
Recommendation # 3: approved
Recommendation # 4: approved
The meeting ran over the the scheduled time, so we will resume the discussion at Council III tomorrow.
There weren't many questions about the first three recommendations. Recommendation #4, however, called for the elimination of a policy that governs virtual membership in the association. The recommendation had some internal inconsistency by calling for the elimination of the policy, then referring only to ALA-level committees. However the policy covers division and round table committees as well and will therefore leave those groups no means for appointing virtual members. There was too little opposition to prevent the approval of this recommendation.
Interestingly, the members of Council apparently had little idea about what we were voting for when we voted for recommendation #4. Today, (it is now Wednesday and we are in Council session III) we voted to reconsider #4 and after passing that motion, amended significantly the language before finally approving - again - the recommendation.
Recommendation #5: approved.
In the interest of time, we have agreed to consider the remaining recommendations (#6 through #16) together as a group and refer the document to the ALA Executive Board for appropriate action.
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