The candidates for ALA Executive Board each spoke about why we should vote for them:
Below are some key words or phrases quoted directly from their five-minute statements:
J. Linda Williams: lots of ALA Committee work, including current member of BARC. Interested in diversity initiatives. Salary and pay equity; patron privacy; intellectual freedom. We need to be proactive. Developing opportunities for all within ALA.
John Sandstrom: GLBRT Councilor. Honored to be nominated. PATRIOT ACT, librarians as babysitters. Economic downturn. Do you believe? librarians can turn the world around. Pay equity with like positions in other industries. diversity is important. advocacy.
Pat Hogan: Advocacy, collaboration, organizational excellence, fianance.
Champoion grassroots advocacy. Multi-type library works with all levels of staff. Communication. Work experience is relaity-based. Be a part of the "library voice."
Sylvia Norton: passionate about work. director of small hospital library; high school librarian; advocate for library and librarians; influence policy-makers in the state.
Courtney L. Young: energetic and active; accessible; diversity; understand the new members (through NMRT) how do they get involved and navigate the complex organization. Will be an ambassador. not as experienced as others, but record of experience is solid. election would allow for the development of leaders.
Steven L. Matthews: diversity and commitment. school librarian. 21st Century learner. in search of what will work; consider the needs of hte user. President Obama. Everyone can fulfill. ALA is complex; values are stellar.
Marilyn Hinshaw: conscious devotion to all things library; former chair of BARC; experience with geographic diversity as well as any other style; not out there for my gain.
Ling Hwey Jeng: ALA member since '84; councilor for 7 years; success of communities; diversity; community is globalizing; browning of our society; advocacy and collaboration; quality of libary education; literacy - language, information and computer literacy; good observer; don't always think inside the box; work for right solutions and don't settle for easy ones; inclusiveness;
vital, viable and renewable for the next generations.
Overall comments: It seems that everyone wants to demonstrate that they have worked with multi-type libraries (academic, public, special, and school), and diversity.
Question: Only two councilors attended the MLK Sunrise breakfast.
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